Lifestyle Session / Nashville Tennessee Lifestyle Photographer
In-Home Lifestyle Session
with Dayna and Matt by Five Pence Photography
If you hang around Instagram long enough, eventually, you’re gonna create instagram friends, and that’s just what Dayna is to me! We “met” when I was still in Okinawa and she supported me through the difficult move to Tennessee. Fast forward a few months, and she was on a work-trip to Nashville with her husband!
It was a great way to finally get to meet her and Matt, and a chance for me to get into a downtown Nashville condo overlooking the “Batman” building!
Lifestyle Photography in Nashville Tennessee by Five Pence Photography
Lifestyle Photography in Nashville Tennessee by Five Pence Photography
Lifestyle Photography in Nashville Tennessee by Five Pence Photography
Lifestyle Photography in Nashville Tennessee by Five Pence Photography
Lifestyle Photography in Nashville Tennessee by Five Pence Photography
Our families have both been privileged to live in England, and we both have left a large-ish piece of our heart there. Both her youngest and my youngest child were born in England. We didn't know each other then, but we overlapped there a couple years.
Lifestyle Photography in Nashville Tennessee by Five Pence Photography
Lifestyle Photography in Nashville Tennessee by Five Pence Photography
Lifestyle Photography in Nashville Tennessee by Five Pence Photography
Dayna is an accomplished violinist and pianist, so using the Grand Piano that was there, was PERFECT!
Lifestyle Photography in Nashville Tennessee by Five Pence Photography
Lifestyle Photography in Nashville Tennessee by Five Pence Photography
To inquire about your own special Lifestyle session, click the button and I’ll be in touch.